These essences are known as the 'Well Essences' or the 'Wisdoms of Water' stored beneath Gaia. They are very different from the Essences of the Ancient Civilisations®. They are ancient energies brought through from the knowledge storehouses of the ancient Sisterhoods - the 'Women's Wells'. Here we gather the elemental wisdom of the female knowledge, known as 'Equibalance' or balance in all things. The intuitive feelings and inner knowledge that belongs to the feminine side of the energy pattern, also belongs to 'Water' or 'Feeling' and was stored not in runes or words, or bardic treatment, but in pools known as the 'WELLSPRINGS of the LADIES of GAIA'. There are four Equiessences. They are used to balance energy problems caused by 'Feeling' damage  (i.e. your own - or another's - feelings have caused damage to the energy pattern). Download the Equiessences Summary Sheet

Tranquilessence (10ml)

Tranquilessence (10ml)

The 'Water of Feeling' from the Mountain Wells/Pools which floods the Feeling Centre with tranquility for that which must be done. Used to re-balance ..


Tranquilessence (25ml)

Tranquilessence (25ml)

The 'Water of Feeling' from the Mountain Wells/Pools which floods the Feeling Centre with tranquility for that which must be done. Used to re-balance ..


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